
我们提供研究, 帮助您实现投资目标的金融工具和投资解决方案. 考虑我们作为您的外包首席投资官(OCIO). 作为团队的延伸, 我们解决投资治理和尽职调查等问题. We also cover risk mitigation, sustainability, alternative investments, and cost management. We flex our services to suit your requirements and determine the best way to future-proof your portfolio.

平衡投资者风险, 回报和声誉要求, 已经成为一个越来越复杂的挑战. 投资者需要能够做出有效的决策. 因此,他们需要获得适当的专门知识和资源. That’s why many investors are looking externally for strategic portfolio management advice, 获得经理的研究并支持资产配置和日常运营.

Investors are using outsourced investment solutions to address a range of common challenges. 其中包括成本压力, 运营效率低下, 资源约束, 监管改革, 采购经理, 获取私人市场机会, 集成环境, 社会和治理(ESG)问题纳入投资组合, 影响力投资.

More and more investors are recognising the benefits of collaborating with external and unbiased financial service providers. 然而,一些保留意见和误解仍然存在. 这些问题如下所述.


These solutions are basically the same, with different terminologies used in different regions. 无论使用什么名称, they all aim to provide portfolio solutions that help institutional investors meet their financial goals more efficiently. 我们称之为投资解决方案. We can help you to determine the tools and strategies that will work best for your portfolio(s). 我们非常灵活,将以最适合您需求的方式与您合作.

我们的客户始终掌握着控制权. 我们根据您的需要调整服务, and all investment decisions are made according to your stated objectives and risk appetite. 通过为我们的团队分配特定的日常投资组合管理职责, 您将受益于一个大而有经验的合作伙伴的专业知识. We will help you manage the risks in your client portfolios and identify new market opportunities. 我们还将减轻执行、监测和报告的负担. 这会让你有时间专注于你职位中更重要的职责.

每个投资者都是不同的,有自己的目标、目标和挑战. 不管你的投资组合和公司有多大, 我们可以提供定制的投资策略. These will be implemented, managed and monitored by specialists aligned with your interests.

你可以选择适合你的解决方案. We offer everything from bespoke investment-strategy design and implementation to the monitoring of managers. 我们在这里为您提供支持,并可以灵活地满足您不断变化的需求.


投资组合经理面临的需求和挑战正在加剧. 探索新机会和追求丰厚回报的压力越来越大. We have identified three key considerations to help you position your portfolio for success.

Experience has shown us that precise and intuitive portfolio governance and due diligence are key. 他们会给你信心,让你相信你的投资正在满足你的需求, 你的资产配置已经在多种情况下进行了测试.

投资者正在将ESG因素纳入投资组合. 他们还将注意力转向了多样性, 公平和包容(DEI)问题, 在管理人员和战略方面. They are seeking to strike a balance between doing the right thing and delivering on investment commitments. 这也被称为影响力投资. We work with clients to meet this challenge and to find an optimal balance that will best meet their needs.

另类投资 provide an opportunity to guard against the volatility of equities, 对冲通货膨胀, 获得更好的回报. Hedge funds can provide a great way to diversify out of equities without sacrificing returns. Private equity investments aim to attain a significantly higher rate of return than publicly traded equities. 真正的资产, 比如基础设施和房地产, 在防范通胀的同时,能提供类似的好处吗. 我们的全球规模和资源可以帮助您获得所有类型的另类投资, 根据您的需求和有竞争力的费用水平量身定制.


你的投资策略和监督过程应该支持你的投资目标. 作为审查的一部分,有三个阶段需要考虑.
  1. 检查并调整您的治理框架
    保持你的投资组合在正轨上是至关重要的. 如果您需要改进您的治理操作模型, 我们的投资解决方案可以为您提供所需的支持, 无论是现在还是将来.
  2. 根据你的未来目标评估你的投资组合
    了解投资的表现需要保持警惕. Investors must also search for new opportunities in order to future-proof their portfolios. 我们可以帮助您确信您的投资策略反映了您的风险, 回报和声誉要求.
  3. 测试你对市场变化的适应和反应能力
    You need to be in a position to rebalance your portfolio quickly and effectively if you are faced with market volatility. 我们可以帮助您安装优化的决策流程. 这些将确保你的投资组合是响应性的,并与你的结果要求保持一致.
简化搜索. Get strategic research tailored to your interests from thought leaders across the investment industry, 包括美世和数百家第三方出版商. 会员资格是免费的,注册只需几秒钟.



许多投资者通过投资策略设计寻求指导和支持, 经理研究和战略性资产配置. They also look for assistance with the day-to-day operations of their investment programmes. 我们称这些服务为投资解决方案. Investment solutions can also be referred to as outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) , 授权解决方案, 或者信托管理解决方案.

Our investment solutions offer a range of tools to help you solve your investment challenges. 他们提供投资专业人士的支持, 同时还能让你控制自己的投资. 他们会给你增加信心,还能帮你减轻工作量.

  • 治理和尽职调查
    Leverage our expertise to expand your governance capabilities and improve your due diligence processes. 这将帮助你找到最佳的投资机会.
  • 风险管理
    做好风险管理框架的准备. 这将帮助你应对当前最紧迫的风险和未来潜在的障碍.
  • 投资可持续
    如果你想从符合可持续发展目标的长期投资中获益, 我们的目标是帮助您做出有助于实现真正社会效益的选择, 此外还有良好的回报潜力.
  • 经理研究和采购
    We can help you optimise your investment strategy by engaging our global research network and accessing some of the world’s best investment managers and ideas.
  • 实现服务
    我们将了解您的目标,然后作为您团队的延伸. 我们将帮助您改善您的投资治理、管理和实施. 98858威尼斯70570以了解更多信息.
  • 另类投资
    Gaining exposure to private assets or hedge funds can diversify a portfolio’s risk and return profile, 同时旨在提高其应对市场波动的能力. 利用我们在该领域的专业知识,促进您获得新的机会.


我们以结果为导向的解决方案带来了整体视角. 它们会让你专注于对你最重要的事情. Our breadth and depth of experience can help you build confidence in your strategic decisions as we act as your trusted adviser, 旨在帮助你成功.


依靠我们的顾问来提供建议, 洞察力, 实施和操作您的投资组合需要帮助您有信心地投资. 探索我们的一系列投资解决方案对您的投资组合意味着什么.




    US $16.管理着45万亿美元的全球资产1







    * 1 2022年6月30日,  2 2023年9月30日  3 2022年6月30日,  4 2022年6月30日

